Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Beginning

Well, I'm now officially a blogger. I think I'm excited about that, but I'm not positive. We'll see. The idea of keeping a journal has always appealed to me, but I'm not good at it and my handwriting is horrible. Now I can keep track of my reading thoughs and then be able to decipher them more easily. I don't see a spell check for this though. That's worrisome. Regardless, I think it will be a good thing. So this is the beginning of that good thing.

Speaking of the beginning of a good thing, I've just started re-reading the Harry Potter series. I love it now as much as ever. This time I'm looking at the characters in something of a new light, knowing what they grow into. Neville in particular is intriguing just because of his importance in later books. I keep thinking that Rowling has left clues about the final book in the first one, and I plan on finding them all. :)